Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Shopping list, chapter chat


 This is me and Eshnika's shopping list for Ade. This is one of the activities for the boy in the tower. There are seventeen things on there and really yummy stuff! It has healthy stuff and unhealthy stuff.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Chapter chat lantern making.


For our chapter chat activities there was a activities of making a lantern. So I made one and this id what it looks like. It looks like a handbag. It looks cool!!! Te A, Mihi and Shilo made one two their one looks very cool too! The book we are reading is the boy in the tower.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Room 3 with Whaea Kelsi

 On Wednesday and Thursday the year fives went into Room 3 because the Year sixes were going to camp. Whaea kelsi was in Room 3 with the Year fives we joined Room 3  too. So it was just the Year fives, It was great. 

On Wednesday the year fives did some marble art it was so much fun. What we did was we got a tray, marbles, piece of paper, paint and news paper. So we put the news paper in the tray and put the paper on the news paper next we  put three different coloured paints on the paper.  Then we put the marble in the tray and rolled the tray around, it was fun. It made lines with the marble. We made two of the art, everybody’s had heads of different colours. They looked really cool!!!  Then we let them dry.

On thursday when we got to school I had a look at the marble art and they had all dried but some of them were still wet. After that we started doing the art again, by cutting them out. So we had to get one of our pictures and put it on a big black piece of  paper. With the other piece of paper we write our name in big letters. Then we out lined our name and cut our piece of paper with the art work. It took a while to cut out but every body finished some people did the same colours as people. 

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Rock pile

                                                  We made a rock pile in lock down it is big

Monday, 6 September 2021


                                                  I have been doing maths in lockdown.

                                                   I love doing the clock It is fun to do it.